Self introduction & personality development mastery

Self Introduction & Personality Development Mastery

Learn Self-Introduction, Develop Your Personality & SPEAK CONFIDENTLY

Learn How To Speak Confidently For Different Situations and get benefited

What is Self-Introduction & Personality Development Mastery?

How many times were you in a position to introduce yourself??
In Meetings, while attending Public Gatherings,
while giving Presentations, in Seminars, while talking to new Clients etc.
How many times have you heard of these phrases“Tell Me About Yourself” or 
“Introduce Yourself” 
in Job Interviews,while attending interviews for Promotion.

Do you know?
In the first 2 minutes you speak, people will get an impression of you and will judge you for the entire session on the basis of  the impression they have had in those first 2 minutes you speak.

90% of interviews are dependent the way you give your introduction.
A best self introduction will land you in your dream jobdream country or get you promoted.

And, a bad introduction may land you nowhere.

So, here we come up with an IDEA to teach you  SELF INTRODUCTION for different situations.
In this course you will DEVELOP your PERSONALITY and learn how to give your self-introduction with confidence and make a  
best first impression ever.

What will you learn in this course?

What makes this course unique:


Self Introduction Modules

Self Introduction
Modules worth 
Rs 1665

Personality Development
Modules Worth
Rs 2015

About English108

English108 is  formed and backed by IIT alumni to serve people of various backgrounds in the field of education.
It is established with a pure motive of servitude to make education accessible to every individual who dreams big.

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Our Students Say:

"There is no second thought about their courses, super valuable learning for minute price."
Karthik Review
Software Developer
"Out of 300 people for the interview I got selected and all the credit goes to English108 for bringing up this course for us."
Halen Prasuna
"I have always been a fan of English108 the simplicity with which the courses are crafted by keeping all range of learners in mind."


This is ‘Self-Introduction & Personality Development Mastery’ course you will learn how to speak confidently at different situations.

Working professionals, students,  or home makers, anyone who wants to improve their confidence while speaking. 

Its an online course. You will be given login ID & password, you can access the course online.


This course will teach you how to grab a great first impression from anyone within 2 minutes of conversation. It’s helpful because in interview, meetings, speaking to clients, social gatherings, birthdays parties etc. You wont have much time to speak so you need to get best first impression. because first impression should be the best impression.

You will get instant access to the course once you buy. You can start learning right away.

There is no end date. You can complete the course at your own phase. You will have lifetime access to it.

If you can understand English language (I’m sure you do, because you are able to read this) you can take this course.

Learn Self Introduction and take your confidence to new heights​

Fastest way to improve your confidence.

Learn Introduction for
Safe Checkout

English108 is  formed and backed by IIT alumni to serve people of various backgrounds in the field of education. It is established with a pure motive of servitude to make education accessible to every individual who dreams big.


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